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Bishop John Bone RIP

First published on: 9th July 2014

Bishop John Bone RIP. The death has been announced of the Rt Revd John Bone, a former Bishop of Reading.

Statement on the Revd Brian Spence

First published on: 17th June 2014

Statement on the Revd Brian Spence. The Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Andrew Proud, said: "I heard today that the Revd Brian Spence has been convicted today of seven counts of indecent assault.

God in the Life Of a Mothers' Union President

First published on: 15th May 2014

God in the Life Of a Mothers' Union President. THE Mothers' Union is an organisation with a strong prayer and campaigning base that works around the world empowering families and communities.

Coffee venue in Lower Caversham

First published on: 15th May 2014

Mayor of Reading Councillor Marian Livingston was among the first to sample the delights of Lower Caversham's new cafe - The 3Cs.

Mayor to open Caversham's latest coffee venue at St John the Baptist

First published on: 29th April 2014

Mayor to open Caversham's latest coffee venue at St John the Baptist. Mayor of Reading Councillor Marian Livingston will be among the first to sample the delights of Lower Caversham's new café - The 3Cs.

Around the Deaneries: Bradfield

First published on: 24th March 2014

Around the Deaneries: Bradfield. AREA Dean the Revd Will Watts (right) describes his mainly rural deanery and some exciting forthcoming church anniversaries.

Celebrations at St Paul's

First published on: 14th March 2014

Celebrations at St Paul's. A YEAR of celebrations are underway for the 150th anniversary of a church built at the request of a proprietor of the Times newspaper.

Valuing everyone at Meet Monday

First published on: 14th March 2014

Valuing everyone at Meet Monday. by Andrew Mackie THE challenge for every church is that - on average - of every 1,000 people in your parish somewhere between 20 and 30 of them have learning disabilities.

An army of reading volunteers

First published on: 20th February 2014

An army of reading volunteers. by Sarah Lawrence READING is vital, especially in the first few years of school.

Interfaith efforts in Slough

First published on: 20th February 2014

Interfaith efforts in Slough. CHRISTIANS and Muslims have joined together in solidarity in Slough.

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