RSS Feed


Diocese of Oxford to invest £10m in clergy housing

First published on: 14th June 2022

The Diocese of Oxford has approved £10 million expenditure on environmental works to improve the carbon footprint of vicarages and better care for its clergy. The investment is part of an ambitious plan by the diocese to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2035.

Cherishing God's Earth

First published on: 31st May 2022

St Mary-Le-More and St Leonard's churches have been working hard to take action on climate change and reduce their impact on the environment.

Growing roots in Chipping Norton and Woodstock

First published on: 25th May 2022

The Bishop of Oxford continues his Deanery visits with a trip to FarmED in Oxfordshire.

Growing with the Banbury community

First published on: 19th May 2022

St Francis Church, Banbury, a Local Ecumenical Partnership, creates a community garden in the outdoor space at the church serving three local housing estates.

Pilgrim Paths

First published on: 10th May 2022

A new Pilgrimage Paths walking series in the Bicester and Islip deanery was launched on Sunday 1 May seeking to connect local people with one another and with the history of their 35 parish churches.

Small gestures empower change

First published on: 5th May 2022

When deciding what to cover in his final ministry project at the end of his curacy, the Revd Mark Nelson used inspiration from a nearby repair cafe in Aston Clinton to start up a similar project for the whole community in Winslow, Buckinghamshire.

Growing a community garden

First published on: 27th April 2022

The Revd Pete Wheeler, vicar at St Peter's Aylesbury, shares his experience of developing a community garden and how you can too.

Eco Church in Iffley

First published on: 19th April 2022

The Revd Dr Nikolaj Christensen, curate at St Mary's Church, Iffley, tells us about the church's journey to net zero.

The Bishop of Oxford visits Bicester eco-town

First published on: 11th April 2022

Bishop Steven visited the Bicester & Islip Deanery, meeting clergy and local lay leaders and visiting the Elmsbrook eco-town and Park Farm.

Farming and rural church

First published on: 22nd March 2022

In the Vale of White Horse and Wantage Deaneries, Bishop Steven meets clergy, lay leaders and dairy farmers to hear about their experiences.

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