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New High Sheriff of Oxfordshire Announced

First published on: 18th March 2021

Her Majesty appoints Imam Monawar Hussain MBE DL FRSA as High Sheriff of Oxfordshire.

UKME Development Enabler appointed

First published on: 5th March 2021

The Diocese of Oxford welcomes Revd Polly Falconer as their first UKME Development Enabler.

Clergy Comings and Goings

First published on: 24th February 2021

The Revds Brian and Peggy Ludlow were jointly appointed Associate Minister in January A look back at the comings and goings in the last three months.

Lord Carey PTO

First published on: 25th January 2021

The Bishop of Oxford has reinstated Permission to Officiate (PTO) for Lord Carey, who has issued the following statement...

Ordinations go ahead despite COVID-19 pandemic

First published on: 14th December 2020

This weekend 32 people will be ordained as priests in eight services across six venues in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire.

Clergy Comings and Goings

First published on: 27th November 2020

Clergy Comings and Goings. A look back at clergy comings and goings in our diocese from February to October 2020On 4 October, Bishop Colin laid down his crozier to mark his last day as Bishop of Dorchester.

Dr Jane Clements awarded MBE

First published on: 26th November 2020

For services to Inter Faith and Community Cohesion, Dr Jane Lesley Clements was awarded MBE in The Queen's Birthday Honours list. Jane is Chair at The Forum for Discussion of Israel and Palestine.

Former Archbishop of York, John Habgood

First published on: 11th November 2020

Former Archbishop of York, John Habgood. b.

Diocese of Oxford welcomes new Finance Director

First published on: 10th November 2020

John Orridge to join the Diocese of Oxford as Finance Director, from the Diocese of Leicester.

New deacons ordained in services postponed from July

First published on: 28th September 2020

A nurse, a former toy tester, police officer and solicitor are among the 22 new deacons to be ordained to serve in diocesan churches.

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