Make COP Count at St Edburg's, Bicester
First published on: 4th March 2021Colin Cockshaw tells the environment team about the plans St Edburg's, Bicester, has for the run up to COP26.
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Colin Cockshaw tells the environment team about the plans St Edburg's, Bicester, has for the run up to COP26.
Butterfly abundance in Bucks. With conservation and the environment being high on our agenda right now, we were delighted to read that this year has been remarkably good for butterflies at St John's, Stone, Buckinghamshire.
The Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Olivia Graham, is the latest bishop in the Diocese of Oxford to move to an environmentally-friendly electric car.
Christians are called to be good stewards of God's creation and to look after our brothers and sisters around the world, yet we are facing a time of human-made environmental crisis.
A Wokingham church details its experience with the Eco Church and energy audit programme and describes the benefits they've seen since.
A Buckinghamshire church's weekly bee club has made quite a buzz with the younger members of the All Saints' Coleshill congregation.
The rector of the Witney Benefice meets the local MP to discuss their cares and concerns on environmental issues and climate action.
The Oxford Diocesan Board of Education (ODBE) launches a new initiative, The School Twinning Programme, in partnership with the United Society for Partners in the Gospel (USPG) and the Church of South India, in response to the climate emergency.
Gathering 2019 Energy Data. Thank you for filling in the Energy Footprint Tool! Your data will help your church get a clearer picture of its carbon footprint - and will help the diocese to understand churches' needs better.
Ways for churches to save energy and money. The church energy audit programmes conducted by Oxford and Leeds dioceses and the National Church have resulted in some key learnings about how churches can best save carbon - and money.