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Bishop Steven takes up his staff

First published on: 18th October 2018

The beginning of Bishop Steven's ministry as Bishop of Oxford has been marked in a series of services, starting with the formal inauguration at the Cathedral.

End Hunger Now' Bishop tells PM

First published on: 9th April 2018

End Hunger Now' Bishop tells PM. The Bishop of Oxford and the Revd Dr Keith Hebden presented a letter against hunger in the UK to the Prime Minister's constituency office in Witney on Wednesday 16 April.

Abundant Life: order yours now

First published on: 14th February 2018

Following the success of Exploring the Beatitudes published last autumn, a new booklet written by Bishop Steven looks again at what it means to be a Christ-like Church.

Abundant Life - Reflections on the Raising of Lazarus - a review

First published on: 12th February 2018

Abundant Life - Reflections on the Raising of Lazarus - a review. Have your say on the future of the Door With newspapers across the country changing the way they publish we also need to take a moment to look at how and why we publish the Door.

Bishop John writes on sexuality discussions

First published on: 28th November 2017

Bishop John writes on sexuality discussions. FACILITATED CONVERSATIONS: Some supportive themes Bishop John You will be aware that the Church of England is about to enter a period of 'facilitated conversations' around the issue of same-sex relationships following the publication and recommendations of the Pilling Report earlier in the year.

Order your Advent Beatitudes course now!

First published on: 27th October 2017

Order your Advent Beatitudes course now!. As part of the Bishop of Oxford's invitation to everyone in the diocese to explore the Beatitudes, Bishop Steven has written a three-session course which can be used at Advent.

Oxford and Kimberley & Kuruman

First published on: 25th September 2017

A summit between the linked dioceses of Oxford and Kimberley & Kuruman in South Africa has ended with both dioceses committing to expand their work together.

Bishop of Oxford joins link summit in South Africa

First published on: 19th September 2017

THE Bishop of Oxford has joined over 50 people from the Diocese of Oxford and our link diocese of Kimberley and Kuruman for a four-day summit.

"Our concrete cows are famous..."

First published on: 30th June 2017

"Our concrete cows are famous...". Bishop Steven reflects on his visit to the Diocese of Oxford's largest centre of population.

2017: A Year with Bishop Steven - Trains, car and planes

First published on: 26th May 2017

2017: A Year with Bishop Steven - Trains, car and planes. Aylesbury, Burnham and Slough and Woodstock were the deaneries Bishop Steven visited recently on his ongoing tour.

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