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Common Ground: Listening and Engagement

First published on: 15th June 2016

Common Ground: Listening and Engagement. The Church and Current Issues in Sexuality Marriage in the United Kingdom: History and Legal History Scot Peterson, Balliol College, Oxford ( Presentation Slides ) Revd Canon Professor Loveday Alexander , Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies at Sheffield University, Emeritus Canon-Theologian at Chester and Canon-Theologian of Chichester Cathedral and assistant priest at her local parish church.

Connecting with Kimberley and Kuruman

First published on: 15th June 2016

Connecting with Kimberley and Kuruman. The Revd Carol Starkey came to England from South Africa to see the parishes that are linking with our partner Diocese of Kimberley and Kuruman.

Cowley conservation project

First published on: 15th June 2016

AN Earthing Faith initiative to help congregations re-connect with nature has been launched in the Cowley deanery.

Exhibition at Wycliffe Hall

First published on: 15th June 2016

Exhibition at Wycliffe Hall. THIS Trinity Term Wycliffe Hall is displaying a collection of drawings by Tim Steward and engraved glass by Philip Lawson Johnston in the Lower Common Room.

First birthday for PACT's Oxford office

First published on: 15th June 2016

First birthday for PACT's Oxford office. FIFTY families from Oxfordshire have applied to adopt through Parents And Children Together ( PACT) in the 12 months since the charity opened a new office in the county.

Giving hope at Christmas time

First published on: 15th June 2016

Giving hope at Christmas time. Vital supplies and a listening ear FOR many people, the idea of a family Christmas roast with a succulent turkey and all the festive trimmings is nothing but a pipe dream.

Funding for women ex-offenders at Alana House cut

First published on: 15th June 2016

Funding for women ex-offenders at Alana House cut. AN AWARD-winning community project for vulnerable women in Reading will no longer be funded for its well established support work with female offenders.

Gender violence campaign

First published on: 15th June 2016

The first major review of violence against women this year showed that 30 per cent of women worldwide have experienced domestic violence.

God in the life of Martin Gorick

First published on: 15th June 2016

The Venerable Martin Gorick is delighted to have returned to the Diocese to become Archdeacon of Oxford

God in the Life Of the Revd Canon Professor Graham Ward

First published on: 15th June 2016

God in the Life Of the Revd Canon Professor Graham Ward. WHEN Graham Ward speaks at the Imagining Faith clergy conference in March 2014 he is bound to keep his audience entertained.

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