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The latest news and features from the Diocese of Oxford. To contact the press office, please call 01865 208 277 (out of hours 07880 716761) or email

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Still at the Cutting Edge

First published on: 19th September 2014

Still at the Cutting Edge. The Door explores how our original Cutting Edge Ministries have evolved as they celebrate more than a decade since they were launched.

Wantage and Grove see massive expansion

First published on: 19th September 2014

A youth worker is to be paid for by housing developers thanks to negotiations led by the Wantage Deanery Synod.

From frontline to theological college

First published on: 18th September 2014

Jason 'Griff' Griffiths joined the Army at 17. He tells Jo Duckles his journey from the frontline to theological college.

Rest a While at the Bucks County Show.

First published on: 28th August 2014

Rest a While at the Bucks County Show.. UP to 1,000 people took the opportunity to 'Rest A While' with free beverages and cake at the Bucks County Show.

Transformed atheist to speak at Oxford church

First published on: 18th August 2014

Transformed atheist to speak at Oxford church. ONE of America's most dynamic and engaging Christian speakers will be visiting Oxford on Wednesday 27 th August.

Christian message for visitors to St Leonard's churchyard

First published on: 15th August 2014

The PCC at St Leonard's Church in Eynsham have agreed to put up signs to provide comfort and a Christian message to visitors.

Church school students celebrate A Level success

First published on: 15th August 2014

Students at Church of England secondary schools in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire celebrate their A Level successes.

A commemoration of war in Wingrave

First published on: 15th August 2014

A commemoration of war in Wingrave. A SMILE at a solemn summer service came to our faces as we watched the children from Wingrave School sing the poignant songs from the Great War of 1914 - 18 ….

Finding love at an RE teachers' conference

First published on: 15th August 2014

Finding love at an RE teachers' conference. LUCIE Cook was not expecting to meet her future husband on an RE course for teachers from Church of England Schools.

A meeting of Lay Ministers

First published on: 15th August 2014

More than 120 Licensed Lay Ministers flocked to the idyllic Milton Hill House in Oxfordshire for their annual conference.

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