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The latest news and features from the Diocese of Oxford. To contact the press office, please call 01865 208 277 (out of hours 07880 716761) or email

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Royal Maundy comes to Oxford

First published on: 9th April 2013

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh present Maundy Money to 87 men and 87 women at Christ Church Cathedral.

The Forest School

First published on: 2nd April 2013

A forest environment for learning with a difference has earned Westcott CE Primary School the High Sheriff's Award Certificate.

Bishop John's Easter sermon

First published on: 31st March 2013

Bishop John's Easter sermon on the resurrection - God's understatement.

Staging a role play wedding

First published on: 26th March 2013

Children aged between three and seven wore their best clothes at St Nicholas CE Infant School in Wallingford for a role-play wedding.

Chiltern Hills Academy celebrates after 'good' Ofsted report

First published on: 20th March 2013

Staff and pupils at the Chiltern Hills Academy are celebrating after the school was judged 'Good' in all categories in its first Ofsted report.

Sermons from the Holy Land

First published on: 19th March 2013

Sermons from the Holy Land. You can read here some of the sermons preached in the Holy Land on the diocesan pilgrimage.

Short report from diocesan synod

First published on: 19th March 2013

Short report from diocesan synod. Diocesan synod met in High Wycombe on Saturday 16 March.

400 year wait for new facilities

First published on: 18th March 2013

400 year wait for new facilities. Declaring the loo and kitchen officially open is the Revd Angela Mann.

A holy descent

First published on: 18th March 2013

A holy descent. IF you had been in Central Oxford and looked up on Saturday March 9 you could have had a bit of a surprise.

Easter Eggs-Plained

First published on: 18th March 2013

School children will be learning about the Easter story with an exciting initiative run by High Wycombe Youth for Christ.

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