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Churches awarded over £143,000 for community projects

First published on: 20th December 2022

The Development Fund has awarded grants to nine churches to support a range of local church and community projects including a live nativity procession, Parish Nurse, and toddler group for adoptive and foster families.

A church community for adults with additional needs

First published on: 14th December 2022

Every Tuesday 20-30 adults of all ages gather with their carers at Greyfriars Church, Reading, for and evening of worship.

Bishops confirm 79 people across the diocese

First published on: 25th November 2022

In a host of special services across the diocese, 79 people of all ages were confirmed on Sunday 20 November on the Feast Day of Christ the King.

70 years of ordained ministry

First published on: 23rd November 2022

The Revd Canon Bob Whiteley has celebrated a landmark 70 years of ordained ministry.  

Beating rising costs in Wendover   

First published on: 10th November 2022

Representatives from rural churches across the diocese gathered at St Mary’s Church, Wendover, as part of a trial and launch of new equipment and the Parish Environment Resource Pack.

Churches awarded over £85,000 for community projects

First published on: 9th November 2022

The Development Fund has awarded grants to eight churches to support a counsellor for a homeless project and new equipment for Minecraft Church services.

A warm welcome in rural parishes

First published on: 21st October 2022

As the autumn programme of rural events continues, thirty people gather to share ideas on how to provide a warm welcome across their rural communities.

Give youth a chance

First published on: 20th October 2022

The Discipleship Enabler team share their conversations with young people across the diocese in the October edition of Generations.

Let it Grow

First published on: 7th September 2022

St Mary's Wargrave is one of many c​​​hurches across the diocese rewilding its churchyard to encourage biodiversity and provide a rich habitat for flora and fauna to flourish.

Pilgrimage to Taizé

First published on: 31st August 2022

Bishop Olivia reflects on her week at Taizé in August with a group of young people from the diocese.

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