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The latest news and features from the Diocese of Oxford. To contact the press office, please call 01865 208 277 (out of hours 07880 716761) or email

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The Very Revd Professor Martyn Percy

First published on: 18th June 2021

The safeguarding investigation by the National Safeguarding Team has exonerated Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church Oxford.

The Very Revd Professor Martyn Percy

First published on: 18th June 2021

Following recent claims made on blogs and social media.

Queen's Birthday Honours 2021

First published on: 16th June 2021

ODST Chair, Kathryn Winrow, awarded an MBE in Queen's Birthday Honours for services to education.

SalGoAssist Charity Push Up Challenge

First published on: 15th June 2021

Local vicar completes push up challenge in support of Indian charity devastated by Covid-19.

Big Clean Switch

First published on: 9th June 2021

Big Clean Switch. A very simple step that we can take to reduce the carbon footprints of our homes is to switch to a renewable - otherwise known as a "green" or "clean" - tariff.

On your bike!

First published on: 9th June 2021

Two regular cycle commuters, Rhodri Bowen and Steven Buckley, share their tips and inspiration for cycling to work.

Causing a buzz at St Thomas's

First published on: 3rd June 2021

Causing a buzz at St Thomas's. THOUSANDS of honey bees have been given a home in a church yard in central Oxford.

Mental Health Awareness Workshops for Clergy

First published on: 3rd June 2021

Mental Health Awareness Workshops for Clergy. Mental Health Awareness Half-Day Workshop We are all very aware that the past year has taken its toll on the mental health of many.

Parking Restrictions - St James the Less, Dorney

First published on: 3rd June 2021

Congregation of St James the Less, Dorney seek support to oppose parking restrictions that could prove catastrophic for the church.

Parish of Penn Street & Holmer Green awarded grant

First published on: 2nd June 2021

The Revd Ruth Atkinson shares how the Development Fund will enable the parish to engage more effectively with young people and families.

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