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The latest news and features from the Diocese of Oxford. To contact the press office, please call 01865 208 277 (out of hours 07880 716761) or email

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Carry on growing veg in Reading

First published on: 14th May 2021

Erleigh Road Community Garden can be found behind the Parish Hall next to St Luke's Church in Reading.

COVID inspires speedy launch of Church project to provide 'spaceforall' in Wokingham

First published on: 14th May 2021

Covid-19 inspires All Saints Church, Wokingham to bring forward the most vital elements of its £3m transformation project.

Expanding the work with families in Sandhurst

First published on: 14th May 2021

Expanding the work with families in Sandhurst. For Angela Harper, going from a part-time to a full-time role as a Family Worker at St Michael's, Sandhurst, is already bearing fruit.

First grants from new Development Fund to help local churches

First published on: 14th May 2021

Mission projects in churches across the Diocese of Oxford are set to benefit from £3m worth of grants over three years.

Five key questions for public policy on Artificial Intelligence

First published on: 14th May 2021

Bishop Steven challenges three myths about Artificial Intelligence and considers how to keep ethics at the centre of the UK's AI strategy.

Food for the poor in church porch cupboard

First published on: 14th May 2021

Using £700 from the Development Fund, St Michael's, Horton has bought a metal cupboard and stocked it with tinned food.

New Digital Congregations

First published on: 14th May 2021

Two parishes in the diocese have seen a growth in their online church community since the start of the pandemic.

New loo and kitchenette for St Mary's

First published on: 14th May 2021

New loo and kitchenette for St Mary's. A new kitchenette and toilet are transforming the hospitality opportunities at St Mary's, Ashbury.

Quarrendon's community garden is blooming marvellous

First published on: 14th May 2021

A church community garden is providing a multitude of benefits on one of the Diocese's most deprived estates.

Reaching more people in Loddon Reach

First published on: 14th May 2021

Award-winning parish magazine with a circulation that's risen from 1,000 to 6,000 benefits from a Development Fund grant.

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