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Churches glow crazy to celebrate the Light of the World

First published on: 10th December 2019

Churches responded to Hallowe'en with light parties and other alternative outreach events for children,.

Hark the Barton angels

First published on: 4th December 2019

Hark the Barton angels. On Thursday morning residents of Barton and Sandhills will woke up to find over 500 knitted and wooden angels visited the neighbourhood.

Hundreds join the first St Frideswide Pilgrimage

First published on: 4th November 2019

Hundreds join the first St Frideswide Pilgrimage. The rain from earlier in the week cleared and the sun shone as more than 400 people headed to Oxford's Christ Church Cathedral for the inaugural St Frideswide Pilgrimage on Saturday (October 19).

Firefighters use St Mary's for rescue drills

First published on: 29th October 2019

Firefighters use St Mary's for rescue drills. FIREFIGHTERS are honing their rescue skills by practising drills rescuing a 'casualty' from the ancient tower at St Mary's Church, Aylesbury.

The Pepper Pot Tower restored

First published on: 17th October 2019

The Pepper Pot Tower restored. The unusual Pepper Pot Tower at St Mary's Burghfield has been restored to its full glory.

Celebrations as St George's is completed after 133 years

First published on: 2nd October 2019

Celebrations as St George's is completed after 133 years. When work began on the brand new St George's Church building, the community of Tilehurst in Berkshire had no idea it would take 133 years for the project to come to completion.

Summer celebration as St Leonard's receives funding boost

First published on: 14th August 2019

A Buckinghamshire church is to receive a £20,000 National Churches Trust Cornerstone Grant for repairs to its roof, masonry, guttering and downpipes.

Come and Meet Each Other

First published on: 2nd August 2019

Come and Meet Each Other. Raised voices and raucous laughter show that people who go to CAMEO at St Mary's, Thatcham, are having a great time.

Church goers Go 4th each month

First published on: 18th June 2019

Church goers Go 4th each month. TAKING communion to a care home, litter picking and a 6km charity run have all been part of Go 4th Sunday - a scheme that sees a congregation from Milton Keynes rolling their sleeves up and literally going forth, beyond the four walls of their church and into their village community.

A welcome re-ordering at All Saints'

First published on: 24th May 2019

A welcome re-ordering at All Saints'. A £135,000 re-ordering project has helped enhance welcome, hospitality and access at All Saints' Church, High Wycombe.

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