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The latest news and features from the Diocese of Oxford. To contact the press office, please call 01865 208 277 (out of hours 07880 716761) or email

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Telling the Advent story

First published on: 2nd January 2020

Telling the Advent story. A VILLAGE Advent calendar with a difference is telling the Christmas story in Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire.

Tim Ford

First published on: 18th December 2019

Tim Ford, 24, prays regularly and refuses to let cerebral palsy, a condition that means he is non-verbal and a permanent wheelchair user, stop him living a rich life.

Advice about ash trees

First published on: 10th December 2019

Advice about ash trees. Following the discovery of Chalara fraxinea or "ash die-back" in mature woodland in Suffolk the government has banned all imports of live ash trees.

An LLM and a lawyer

First published on: 10th December 2019

I hesitated before writing about being a Christian in my workplace because lawyers don't get much positive press and are not shown in a very good light in the Bible...

Bishop John on collective worship

First published on: 10th December 2019

Bishop John on collective worship. The National Governors Association issued a statement last week that the requirement for daily collective worship in schools without a designated religious character should be abolished.

Brand new Pathways magazine set to launch in January

First published on: 10th December 2019

We're about to reveal our new diocesan magazine: Pathways.

Cake and posies on Mothering Sunday

First published on: 10th December 2019

Cake and posies on Mothering Sunday. MUMS across the diocese are being offered posies and Simnel cake on Mothering Sunday, 6 March, while mums from Sudan to Burundi are getting the chance of a new life, all courtesy of Mothers' Union members in Berks, Bucks and Oxon.

Churches glow crazy to celebrate the Light of the World

First published on: 10th December 2019

Churches responded to Hallowe'en with light parties and other alternative outreach events for children,.

Churches step in as homelessness continues to rise

First published on: 10th December 2019

Churches step in as homelessness continues to rise. CHRISTIANS across the Thames Valley region are helping provide food and shelter for increasing numbers of rough sleepers this winter.

Creationtide: Caring for Our World

First published on: 10th December 2019

Creationtide: Caring for Our World. As we move into Creationtide we look at the importance of caring for the world - locally and globally - which is already beginning to suffer the impacts of climate change.

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